Our Services


Reiki (ray-key) is one of the leading complementary + alternative healing modalities.

This branch of biofield therapy can be used to support:

  • Nervous system regulation

  • Emotional healing

  • Stress reduction + management

  • Chronic + post-surgery pain management

This modality of therapeutic touch was (re)discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui in 1920, but is believed to have roots in ancient Buddhist practices as well.

During a Reiki session, a client typically lies down fully clothed while the practitioner places their hands lightly on or above different parts of the body.

Reiki has been proven time and time (…and time) again to perform better than the placebo effect.

Reiki therapy is considered a complementary therapy and is best used in alongside conventional medical treatment.

Subconscious Somatic Sessions

Somatic Hypnotherapy

Beliefs live in the body as implicit memories that serve as the foundation for our subconscious behavioral + emotional patterns. Somatic hypnotherapy blends traditional hypnotherapy techniques with a focus on the body and physical sensations.

Here’s what you might expect from such a session:

Initial consultation: Your first session is used to discuss your goals, concerns, and any physical or emotional issues you may be experiencing. We will get clearer on what stories and beliefs your body is holding onto, where it is holding on, and where it is not.

As the sessions continue, we will practice going deeper at a pace that feels safe for your body. Using meditation techniques and focused attention, we will begin focusing on specific bodily sensations or areas of tension. This helps in identifying where emotions or stress may be stored physically.

During the session, we explore patterns associated with physical sensations, emotions, and/or memories, as well as, exploring areas that are not experiencing stress and tension. This combination of embodied awareness expands the nervous system’s capacity to process stress.

Begin your practice of feeling + releasing painful stories from the subconscious body with 1:1 guidance and deep meditation. Book you consultation or book a FREE 30 minute clarity call today to see if somatic hypnotherapy is right for you!

Nervous System Nutrition

Health Coaching + Education

Nutrition has a profound impact on the body. The food we eat can either activate our nervous system, depress it, or support it; and all are okay.

When our cravings are in control of our nutrition, it is our bodies way of seeking safety and regulation. When we are feeling down or depressed, activating foods and eating habits give our body the energy it needs to get through the day. When we are feeling anxious, depressing foods provide us with the internal sense of grounding to help soothe overwhelming sensations.

When healing emotional patterns, it is vital we begin incorporating whole, balancing foods to support our nervous system and stop adding to internal stress with food.

Nutrition coach can be added to any reiki or subconscious somatic session to provide additional support on your healing journey.